Did You Know?
You can configure BarnOwl to identify and report on any Covid related risks / and or contributing factors. Similar logic applies to any filtering that you may wish to perform on risks and contributing factors such as ‘Strategic’ related risks.
The following example shows you how to filter your global / local risk register to only show Risks that are Covid related. The filters shows risks that are specifically Covid related as well as risks that are linked to a Covid related Contributing Factors (CF).
1. Step 1: Setup a custom field on the Risk and Contributing Factor called ‘Covid related’
Covid related custom field on the Risk:
In SCM>CustomFields>Risk Library, create a Risk custom field called ‘Covid related’ as a check box. Make it a library custom field as opposed to unit level custom field, which means that it applies globally across all business units (BUs):
Covid related custom field on the Contributing Factor (CF):
In SCM>CustomFields>Contributing Factor Library, create a CF custom field called ‘Covid related’ as a check box. Make it a library custom field as opposed to unit level custom field, which means that it applies globally across all business units (BUs):
2. Step 2: Capture a Covid-related Risk and / or Contributing Factor (CF)
Use the ‘More’ tab to set the Risk to ‘Covid related’:
In the example below, we have captured a new risk called ‘Unplanned sick leave’ and set it to ‘Covid related’:
Use the ‘More’ tab to set the Contributing Factor to Covid related:
In the example below, we have set the Contributing Factor (CF) ‘No appointments due to Covid restrictions’ and set it to ‘Covid related’:
3. Step 3: Set your Preferences to show ‘Custom Fields in registers’
In risk management File>Preferences make sure ‘Custom fields in registers’ is ticked:
4. Step 4: View custom fields in your regitser
View>Risks>Risk Register
You will see the ‘Covid related’ custom field in your risk register as below (make sure your preferences are set to show custom fields as per step 3 above):
Right click to display the ‘Field chooser’ and select the ‘Contributing Factors’ child table:
Double click ‘Covid related’ on the ‘Contributing Factors’ field chooser:
The ‘Covid related’ custom field is now displayed in the Contributing Factor child register as below:
5. Step 5: Filter your Risk register to show Covid related risks OR risks linked to Covid related contributing factors (CFs)
Click on ‘Show filter’:
Select the Risk filter: ‘Covid related = true’
Add a second filter and select the ‘Or’ operator:
Select the Contributing Factor filter ‘Covid related = true’. Make sure you have selected ‘Or’ as the boolean operator:
The risk register now displays ‘Unplanned sick leave’ because this risk is Covid related as well as the risk ‘Lack of ability to attract and retain new talent’ because it is linked to a Covid related Contributing Factor called ‘No appointments due to Covid restrictions’:
6. You can apply the same logic to the ‘Global Risk Register’ to see all risks across your organisation that are Covid related including those risks that in their own right are not Covid risks, but are linked to Covid related Contributing Factors:
Also see: https://barnowl.co.za/tip-of-the-month/tip-of-the-month-using-favourite-views/
About BarnOwl:
BarnOwl is a fully integrated governance, risk management, compliance and audit software solution used by over 200 organisations in Africa, Australasia, Europe and the UK. BarnOwl is a locally developed software solution and is the preferred risk management solution for the South African public sector supporting the National Treasury risk framework.
Please see www.barnowl.co.za for more information.